The interlocks are commonly made of ceramic or stone, although recent technological advances have resulted in rubber or glass tiles for floor as well. Ceramic tile may be painted ad glazed. small mosaic tile may be laid various patterns.  Floor tiles typically set into mortar consisting of sand,cement and often a latex additive for extra adhesion. The space between the tiles are nowadays filled with sanded or unsanded floor grout. But traditionally mortar was used.

The work details are like this :-

•First a layer of sea sand was spread.
•Using a mechanised leveller the sand was levelled. This levelling and packing of sand is very critical for the uniformity of the tile.
•A small chemical treatment was done to prevent the attack of ants and other pests.
•The tile were then laid ensuring that it is packed tightly so as to avoid any lateral movement.
•The leveller was used again to level the tile. 

Exterior Tiles Two Types Are Available:-

•One which is laid on a hard top, after laying a layer of cement mixture.. Water will not go through these  tile to the ground.
•Interlocking type, Which is laid on top of a layer of sand . No cement mixture is needed. The tile are tightly packed and their interlocking nature helps it tightly bond to each other. Water can easily go through this to the ground.

I opted for the second type, due to following reasons:-

•The rain water get absorbed in the ground
•If it some maintenance is needed for some pipe line which goes underneath these tiles, it can be taken out and then put back without the need for breaking a concrete floor.
•This breed of tile seems to have the best grip, even during rains

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