Roofing Tips

  •  Paint and finishes of a Roofab Roofing Sheet and trim are designed to endure severe rain and wet weather conditions. Neither paint, galvanized, nor Galvalume finishes, are designed to be in continuous contact with water or condensation for long periods of time.
  •  Damage will result if uninstalled panels or trim are allowed to remain wet in storage. Be sure to store material that will not be installed immediately in a dry location. Wet material should be air-dried and re-stacked if installation immediate.
  •  Plastic should not be used to cover metal panels.
  •  Be careful not to let metals of different types touch each other. Chemical reactions between different materials can invite corrosion.
  •  Keep paint touched up to keep rust at bay.
  •  Repair holes and open seams as soon as possible.
  •  Cover very small holes with roofing cement. Solder a patch of the same metal over larger holes.
  •  Only use screws made of the same metal as the roof.
  •  Always use screws with washers and install them in raised areas, not low areas where water can pool and leak.

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