Maintenance isn't the only thing you should consider, either. Turf grasses are designed for specific applications. Weather plays a big part in the types of grasses that will do well where you live. Grasses are broken into categories based on how well they fare in different areas of the United States and are typically separated into three broad categories or zones: cool, warm or transitional.
Once you know your lawn zone, you'll be able to refine your grass selection based on that and other factors that relate to your specific circumstances, like how much work you want to put into mowing, fertilizing, watering, thatching and other lawn-related tasks. The overall makeup of your landscape and the look you want to create are important, too. Most lawns are made up of different grasses that work well in combination. A lawn seed mix might include some grasses that flourish in bright sunlight and others that are suited for the shady areas under trees. Buying a compatible mix will let you incorporate some grasses that will thrive in the shade cast by your oak tree while that sunny afternoon spot next to your mailbox will have coverage, too.
On the following pages, we'll look at 10 popular lawn grasses. No single grass variety is all things to all landscapes, but each of these grasses has something to recommend it and may be just the grass you need to increase the curb appeal of your home, cover an embankment without needing weekly mowing in summer, or spruce up a tree lawn that needs a sturdy grass that can stand up to foot traffic.
Buffalo Grass
No grass variety comes without some drawbacks. With buffalo grass, the biggest downside to planting it in your lawn is that it isn't the most beautiful grass around. It can turn brown in weather extremes and doesn't have that emerald green color most people associate with a superior lawn. Newer cultivars, cultivated strains of basic stock, are greener and more attractive than the buffalo grass the early settlers used to build their sod houses.
Carpet Grass
Typically used as a utility grass because it grows fast and makes a dense mat that chokes out weeds, carpet grass can be an effective ground cover, but it's no beauty. It's coarse, uniformly pale green and produces seed heads very readily. Like buffalo grass, carpet grass can be used as a fill in for problem areas where children play or that see regular traffic.
Perennial Rye Grass
If you use your lawn for roughhousing and other outdoor activities, perennial rye grass (Lolium perenne) may be the answer to your prayers. A native to Europe, Northern Africa and parts of Asia, this grass is perfect for heavy soils that tend to stay wet after a rain. If you live in a temperate location that gets consistent rainfall, or you're willing to give it regular watering during dry spells, this cool season grass may be just right for you. It's a workhorse that can take some real punishment. It establishes itself quickly, is pest-resistant, and covers evenly to create a dense, dependable mat that discourages weed growth.
Some newer cultivars of perennial rye grass have attractive narrow blades that are a brilliant emerald green and can withstand mildly shady conditions. Like a number of other grasses on this list, cultivation has led to advancements in the original rye grass stock, resulting in more versatile and less demanding strains.
Bent Grass
Bent grass establishes itself slowly, but if you're willing to put in the time mowing and maintaining it, it will eventually fill in to create a dense, verdant and impressive lawn. You'll have to water, fertilize and mow it often, though. It will also require regular treatment with pesticides to keep it healthy and happy. Of the bent grasses, colonial bent grass is the lowest-maintenance variety and thrives in cool, coastal locations.
Centipede Grass
On the downside, centipede grass is sensitive to salt and can't tolerate alkaline conditions. It may require the addition of sand and iron as soil amendments as well. After a little preparation when you first establish your lawn, centipede grass is a carefree choice for the lazy or indifferent gardener.
St. Augustine Grass

Bermuda Grass
Kentucky Bluegrass
Although Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) is associated with the state of Kentucky, it's not native to the state famous for horseracing and rolling, blue tinged pastureland. The origin of Kentucky bluegrass is disputed, with one camp claiming that it's native to some areas of the United States, like Utah, while others insist that the colonists first brought it to North America to serve as feed for livestock. Wherever it originally came from, this cool season grass is a favorite with lawn enthusiasts.
One of the first grasses to be used in lawns in the United States, Kentucky bluegrass is a fine bladed grass with vivid greenish-blue coloration. It creates a dense turf that's naturally cold resistant. Newer cultivars have expanded the range and applications for this grass by making it less susceptible to disease and more tolerant of extended dry spells. You can also find cultivars that will tolerate moderate shade. Rough bluegrass (Poa trivialis), a close relation to Kentucky bluegrass, has some of the vivid coloration of its better known relative, but fares better in wetter locations or where conditions are predominantly shady.
Tall Fescue
Older tall fescue varieties were less attractive than today's stock, with a weedy, light green appearance. If you haven't seen some of the newer incarnations of this grass, don't discount it without checking them out. Narrow bladed, brilliant green and requiring only moderate feeding, modern tall fescues are a good choice for gardeners who want a nice looking lawn but don't want to spend long hours working in the garden.
Fine Fescue
Chewing Fescue (Festuca rubra commutata) -- A good choice for cooler climates and shady areas, chewing fescue is a low maintenance option for low traffic areas and for use in locations with poor soil conditions.
Red Fescue (Festuca rubra) -- A drought- and wear-tolerant choice, red fescue likes a cool climate and can fade when it gets too hot. It often grows in sparsely and should be part of a grass mixture that includes Kentucky bluegrass or another denser turf grass variety.
Hard Fescue (Festuca longifolia) -- Hardy and drought-tolerant, hard fescue is disease resistant and can survive salt contamination, making it a good grass for areas near salt treated roads.
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