In this dire economic time people do look towards various ways through which they are able to save their money and one such effective way is through using Vastu.
If you have steel almirah or safe place in west direction only cause in east it will hamper your savings.
If you want to place almirah in east or north then it should be wooden.
Paint your locker or safe cream color. If in western segment then grey will also do. In case it is in east or north directions then opt for brown or the wooden finish.
The facing you have while you are taking or keeping thing in safe or locker affects the savings. When you face west you will be able to make better decisions regarding utilization of money and if money should be taken or not.
If you are in debt dig one sump at north east corner of compound.
Earn extra income flow with north side lower.
Keep valuables such as jewelry etc. in southwest portion of home, don’t keep in northwest or southeast direction.
Save Money With Vastu Tips:
Avoid blue color in south direction. Paint the cream color. Keep yellow vase in south west direction of house it will help in controlling wasteful expenditure which will inversely help in increasing savings.Entrance Location:
Never have entrance of home in south and south west direction as this leads to no results for the efforts that you will put also there will be wastage of the money. And also this can result in increase of debt.North East entrance grants high bank balance.
If you are having good income and yet you are not able to save money then check of toilet of house is in west or west south direction. If yes then it will drain all savings.
Paint the bathroom yellow color this will result in magical increase in savings.
Placement Of The Safe Or The Locker:
Well now if you want to keep your money saved then west, south west is the best direction for placing your safe and lockers as it is ideal as it attracts more savings, and its natural attribute is accumulation. The door of safe should open towards east.If you have steel almirah or safe place in west direction only cause in east it will hamper your savings.
If you want to place almirah in east or north then it should be wooden.
Paint your locker or safe cream color. If in western segment then grey will also do. In case it is in east or north directions then opt for brown or the wooden finish.
The facing you have while you are taking or keeping thing in safe or locker affects the savings. When you face west you will be able to make better decisions regarding utilization of money and if money should be taken or not.
If you are in debt dig one sump at north east corner of compound.
Earn extra income flow with north side lower.
Keep valuables such as jewelry etc. in southwest portion of home, don’t keep in northwest or southeast direction.
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